Madonna Church 마돈나 성당


Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water. Through Baptism, we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: “Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word.”
If you (the parent of the child to be baptized) is NOT a parishioner of Madonna Church, please register at the Madonna Rectory. 
If a godparent is NOT a parishioner of Madonna Church, he or she must get a “sponsor letter” from their Catholic church confirming she or he is a Catholic in good standing and qualified to be a godparent.
The letter must be imprinted with the church’s seal and signed by the pastor. The sponsor letters must be submitted two weeks prior to the baptism date to: Madonna Church, 340 Main Street, Fort Lee, NJ, 07024.    
To Register for Baptism, please call the Rectory at 201-944-2727 or visit us at 340 Main Street, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 during weekdays 9 AM to 5 PM. Thank you!